A text about the Mosel Valley

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It´s a big valley located in Germany, with a brown river that flows through it, not mirroring the big grapefields on the side of the surrounding hills, because it is full of dirt and soil (the water). If you travel along the stream you notice the water slow down and become more clearer as the river grows larger from the many streams of water that run down from the grapefields.. On the riverside there is an old road that seems to be involved in a sensual game with the river, it squirms and turns and you loose count of the many bridges you cross.. Along the "aroused" road there are a few villages holding on to the steep mountain walls, making use of every inch of ground there is to use.. sometimes you actually have to pass through a tunnel through a house. The houses are very beautiful but, dispite their age, they seem to be too modern for the abandoned, magnificent dark castels or monasteries that scout from their places over the red rooftops. Well, actually, you have to see it with your own eyes to believe.

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